Monday, January 17, 2011

Electro Songs Like Reverside

French Translation for Lisa's blog December 26th 2010

Hi everyone!

Well, it's Christmas here in the U.S., and the administrative team and I want to take a moment today to think back to the incredible year that we have had. To begin, I'll just take a moment to tell you that our Head of Communication, Tricia Skinner, has left for other counties. Trish has been an important member of Team Random Acts, and we are sorry to lose her, but as you can see, she is currently busy:

"I believe in Random Acts of mission, to conquer the world one act of kindness at a time. Although I no longer part of the administrative team, I remain what I have always been, ie supporter of an association that made a difference in people's lives . For now, However, I have a Masters to finish a baby to raise a deaf puppy to train, and a book to write. Busy? Just a little! I'm in the corner like a cheerleader for Random Acts, and I've always been an admirer of Misha Collins, so honestly, not much will change. I cherish all the friendships born with this association. See you soon. " Tricia Skinner

I hope you join us in wishing him the best in the opportunity offered to her.

This year was unlike any other in my life. I met the most amazing, beautiful, fearless, gentle and loving during the past 12 months. We have embarked together on a journey with a mission Simp and strong, whose impact literally changed my life and that of many others. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world you all know.

Thank our supporters. Without you all, none of this would be possible. Your energy, creativity, support and love we carry. thank you to The Art Department, Inc.. Board of Directors. Without their partnership, encouragement and help, we would be unable to have that title and to conquer the world one act of kindness at a time.

Thanks our Regional Representatives. These few people live everywhere in the world and they work so hard on behalf of Random Acts, and yet none of them has never met, nor any of the administrative team (except perhaps Tracy). They do a fantastic job of coordinating all our actions at a local level and are the unsung heroes of the association. Several of them are lucky enough to have assistants and / or translators remarkable that help them accomplish all the tasks of coordination in the regions active. As a person, Representatives, Assisi and Translators are awesome.

Thanks to our creative, artistic and creative videographers. They give life to our actions so that everyone can share them, and they do it in a very limited time. A huge thank you to the forum moderators who keep it safe for all our supporters. These people keep an eye on everything that's going to be a good time together. They are friendly and fabulous! Above all, I trust them to take care of us during our discussions.

I want to personally thank the administrative team. Each of the works for Random Acts of a functional association. I consider them dear friends of confidence. No words can describe how much they matter to me. No word except perhaps love, faith, loyalty, devotion and affection.

And last but certainly not least, I want to thank my co-founder Misha Collins. His entrance into my life was phenomenal. It started with a twit of a celebrity to another person, and grew into an extraordinary collaboration. He gave me a gift to get into this trip. This trip was his time and energy. It has not stopped giving so generously and gave her confidence, inspiration and advice, to name it. It is a real blessing in my life.

Nothing could take place at Random Acts without you reading this message, and all those mentioned in this post. Thank you from my heart.

Lisa Walker, Co-Founder and Director

2010 was a sacred year for me: I work for the same employer for 10 years, I celebrated my 30 years (finally as old as I've always felt), and Random Acts was born.

I'm incredibly proud of everything we accomplished this year. I made incredible friends (some less incredible than others humMarielhum * *) and I learned a lot.

Yes, 2010 was a hell of a year (and more it ends with a zero!), And yet I'm sure the best is yet to come .

Jesse Sleik, Deputy Director.

2010 was a difficult year for me in many ways, made with the entry of Random Acts in my life I remember as a wonderful thing. The friendships formed and the things we accomplished together transformed me. And this is nothing compared to all the wonderful supporters of Random Acts, which have never ceased to amaze me by their kindness and generosity of mind. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, and I can not tell you how much I'm looking forward to seeing what 2011 will bring.

Jenny Ackerman, Head of Development

This past year was filled with people and experiences I will never forget and never regret. My involvement in Random Acts was One of these experiences and I am extremely grateful to all those who have done something memorable. Thank you very much, and I wish you all a wonderful holiday season.

Mariel Concepcion, Artistic Manager and Head of the forum on

I'm supposed to talk about 2010, "the last year, but I can not find words for it. Randon Acts is certainly the association most incredible I've ever worked with, and I still can not believe that I am one.

I met some of the most extraordinary people I know, and I am more than honored to be able to call friends. Whether you're in a meeting or just laugh together, my life has been incredibly enriched by their presence. I witnessed how including people around the world, just like me, their passion transormé into something extraordinary. I saw the power of kindness, understanding, compassion, and I never cease to be amazed by this.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, that you celebrate or not the holiday season, I hope you and everyone you love are happy and healthy, as we begin a new year. I look forward to seeing what 2011 will bring.

Brihana Davidson, Manager of Media Design

This year was a real adventure. I was unemployed for over 6 months, I changed careers, and I met an extraordinary group of people who asked me not only to help credit st a charity international, but also (for reasons I do not understand sometimes) see me as a friend. My life has changed so much this year, and although it was sometimes difficult, I know it was to be better. I was personally blessed by so many examples of kindness and beauty from around the world through this association. May your holidays be blessed with love and kindness. I send you, and your family my best wishes for peace and joy for the new year.

Jennifer Hummel, Co Treasurer

At the same time last year, I finished my candidacy for the post of Treasurer to MinionStimilus in which I provided to Misha that I could count to 10, and I put it in the mail. If I knew what I was getting into why, I'll probably put one billion instead of 10.

Random Acts has become at least a billion times more than I expected. And by "more", I mean "everything": more highlights, more goals, more inspiration, more rewards, more importantly, both worldwide and in my life. Of course "more work" applies too, but I'm always grateful for the chance to do so. So here I am, to thank everyone who took part in Random Acts, in any manner whatsoever, the founders to all the people sitting in their armchairs reading this message. You are the thanks in my book.

Tracy Liu, CO Treasurer

2010 was an incredible year! I hope you all remember this year with hope and joy.

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Bodhi Day, Winter Solstice or Chocolate Day (December 28, hallelujah!) Enjoy your FĂȘ thy!

Lance Rainey, Media Manager and Assistant Executive


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