Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mucous Discharge And Menstuation

Portuguese Translation Funnier in Enochian Feb. 2nd, 2011

funnier in Enochian

By Tracy

Volunteering according to skills, or how to save the world without keeping the soul trapped in a box

Say who are computer programmers by day, avid fans of Supernatural and an evening of philanthropy. The chances are that they are a little more worried about the apocalypse that we face (think of the earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and Qinghai provinces, floods in Pakistan, Brazil and Australia, the worst spill oil ever - all last year). Have donated to great causes like the rush of Misha (Misha's Run) to help in humanitarian aid, but does not seem enough.

Free Agency Team (Team Free Will - Dean, Castiel and Sam) did not save the world by donating your money obtained suspiciously Alguema for you too m not going. (Although, of course, donate money regardless of how much aid has been obtained)

Team Free Will did what he does best. Dean and Sam chase the evil, sacrifice and wept tears of emotion. The Castiel flew down and hurt things. You, On the other hand, is not hunters or angels but computer programmers can do something as part of the Hackaton Randon Hacks of Kindness. Randon Hacks of Kindness (Rhokia) brings together computer scientists and experts from humanitarian assistance to address key global challenges and develop software to meet them and above all have an awesome name.

course, statistically speaking, most of you probably are not computer programmers and / or dealing with the apocalypse is not on top of your list of things to do. It's okay! Anyone who has skills can volunteer-based skills to help a cause and we all have skills.

If you are a video editor, you can edit images Random Acts of conquering the world . If you are a planner of special events, you can help us find other ways to conquer the world . If you are a mental health professional, you can donate one hour of work to someone in need. If you are a stripper, you - uh, anyway, get the idea. visit this page, for more ideas and resources. Or better yet, have your own ideas and make a proposal as a Random Act officer.

In case you still are not convinced that the skills-based volunteering is worth, let me explain to you some benefits:

  • allows one to develop skills creative way that is guaranteed will highlight in your CV
  • Provides an excellent opportunity to enter another area without a long-term and / or spend money on education / Training in or career change.
  • Expand prospects for personal and professional contacts
  • provides many opportunities to experience the warm feeling you get when you make a positive difference in someone's life (not to be confused with the feeling that if get when you take illegal substances)

And so it was concluded my volunteer work to write this blog post

PS: Speaking of saving the world, here's an easy way drastically reduce CO2 emissions from your computer . I'm just saying ...


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