Hi from Region 8
posted by Christina
Hey Guys!
Finally here I am, your Regional Representative for Region 8: Western Europe. My name's Christina, or Chris (Hakuna) and I'm here to help you and support you in your desire to Fulfill acts of kindness in your region and to your fellow people.
As you may already have noticed Region 8 is different from many of the other regions of Random Acts, relating to language. In our Region there are different countries with different natures, temperaments and languages and because we don’t want that to be a border to anyone willing to act up we’re going to ask friends to translate every official document, if needed, into the given language(s). Therefor I also have an ambitious French assistant (Alie) who is awaiting all your questions regarding problems from the French department. If any of you have problems with understanding posts or have problems with English in general just contact me or my assistant and we will happily try to help you in any way possible for us. Don’t hesitate or feel ashamed for asking because if one person has problems in understanding there are sure to many more and we’re ambitious in finding translators for every language in our Region, if needed.
But we also understand that some of you might be awed by the English rule in the forum. So if you feel like your English is failing you, don’t feel like you’re condemned to not being able to take part in our region’s acts. Go to our LiveJournal page: http://community.livejournal.com/minionregion8/ . We’re still working on the page but here everyone should be able to communicate in their own language and we’re trying All the translations to get up there.
So, I look forward to a great year, and maybe more, With A Lot of fun and acts of kindness, love, gratitude and beauty with You!
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