Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Itchy Skin After Brazilian

French Translation Funnier in Enochian Feb. 2nd

Say you're the computer programmer days, a fervent fan of Supernatural night, and one of them philanthropic. Perhaps you're more than a little disturbed by the Apocalypse we face (think earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and Qinghai, floods in Pakistan, Brazil and Australia, the worst oil spill ever seen, all in one year). You have already given to worthy causes such as stroke Misha to help rescue these disasters, but it does not seem enough. Team Free Will * has not saved the world by donating their money to anyone, and you will not do either. (Although, to give money really helps, no matter how you got it).

The Team Free Will did what he does best. Dean and Sam drove the evil, sacrificing himself, and crying tears of emotion. Castiel has remained in hit in the corner. You, on the other hand, neither hunter nor angel, but a computer programmer, can do something like participating in a Hack of Kindness hackaton. Random Hacks of Kindness (RhoK) brings together computer engineers and experts in humanitarian assistance to identify the critical international challenges, develop programs that can respond and mostly give them great names.

course, statistically speaking, most of you are probably not programmer and / or face the Apocalypse is not at the top of your priorities. It's okay! Anyone with skills can volunteer based on these capabilities to help a cause and everyone has abilities. If you are a publisher video, you can edit a shot Random Acts of conquering the world. If you are in the event, you can help us find other ways to conquer the world. If you are a mental health professional, you can give one hour of your services to anyone in need. If you're a stripper ... um, whatever, you get the idea. Visit this page (English) for more ideas. Or better yet, find your own idea and propose it as Official Act.

If you are not yet convinced that volunteering worthwhile, let me show you what it can do for you:
- Giving you the chance to develop your skills in creative ways that will always on your CV
- You provide an excellent opportunity to try new things without long term commitment, no money to spend on education / training or career change
- Win new business and personal contacts
- You provide many opportunities to feel warm and cozy feeling of doing something good in someone's life (not to be confused with that has been following the taking of illegal substances)

And that concludes my volunteer to writing this blog

PS: Speaking of saving the world, here is a simple way reduce CO2 emissions from your computer . Just in passing.

* Free Will Team (Team of Free Will in French) includes the 3 main characters in the series Supernatural, Dean, Sam and Castiel, who refused to accept their fate and were beaten to to live the life they have chosen not to receive orders from anyone in their battle to stop Apocalypse.


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