you know that if you should file a complaint - but it's better, 'satire' to write about? For leaves against a plethora of suspicions are hard to argue, and justify itself would appear only as a sop. -
About me
I 35, ex-Call Center Coach / Team Manager I; nice People from the subcultures (and others do not do the job). I put legality before career, and you get bad today, even if your sales quota is always very good. About bullying then burned out. Most of my colleagues go at least 2-3 years as well, without being stood up for something.
then one is left with nothing: The Office is the competition from university graduates to big, and employment agencies tell you that you are an employee type and do not fit precisely. If you had family disadvantages and therefore, no driver's license, is the abysmal job market. McDonald's and Burger King to go because of the Climate on the safe side, stand unblemished resumes for another is not a time for 100 applications. Retraining does not exist. The state wants to legality - but has nothing to offer for those who heed it.
You try to find your efforts will come to a livelihood, which set up another. I will go to the City Council and the policy, that is a grind for 3 years until you are sufficiently known, and a normal body to 700 EUR you'd much rather. But there is simply nothing.
You and the comic reports
That would be If everything simple, if there were not too many social workers in the wrong place as to which one is sent, and interpret the unemployed in reports to the consortium as ...

No, do not look young hip-hop poser to the fact it usually also expected to go only in moral stand drums - it is projected on the traditional enemy of intellectual "lazy" , we must teach the work, and where, of course belongs to blame each report. No matter who you have to do, because "they are all equal but eh. lol
medical officer
Each call center agent has burned to the medical officer, it is a routine examination (knee reflex, weight, general physical health, teeth), at the employment agency also very fair ( my experience in 2006, and from interviews) \u0026lt;3 "Your colleagues in the call center, all at some point to us." - You think of stone from the heart, for You are still the typical call center Pusher> "into the next campaign!".
follows the unfortunately then the psychologist, however, very preferred type. First session ok, but talk about what to do? In the call center industry, they say you "just stop something else," a term used to describe: it draws no more soon so can not insult the whole day can not be too subtle unfriendly times, * whatever, who cares, remove the bite in the conclusion is *. But do not expect a "psychiatric disorder" or something. Yes, you can not sleep at times and your stomach turns through more often, but not ... Only have employment agency consortium and sometimes because of political constraints no way own guidelines for to design call center burnout, and whatever one is noted to be individually responsible? But we are just Pusher, I have as a coach Hartz IV people sent home because I appeared too weak for the job, or sedate. The honest psychologists are frustrated, he was vice versa for my remarks on this problem back a bit by saying that I should not blame me, to have remained legal. Things in the industry are known to protect one could only just now neither its own budget, nor the trade, because there was no controlling this kind. In reports something must of course not.
He needs something to contrasting, and so he asks near the end, what would be your dream job. You say not to have to try and live normally. He drills after 2x, and you give to discreetly "something in the direction of photography" - and at the same time wiped off the table by saying it needed a day job because the area is infested with people who have better opportunities. The slowdown will leave it, and writes (as you will be made available until four years later) in the following report: That I raised my dream job, but ... "He is realistic enough to recognize, that he was initially a 'solid day job' does not target and direction with an uncertain future. "The fact he took it as a civil servant entitled to respect, if young people put in this time of legality before career, and I said that a guttue to hear something where we no longer expect (pronounced without: from the state where it is normally only used against all), he makes that I had "already helped," to speak at rest on the alleged "problems" on my side and I are "new connections "Could see ... - That a "treatment"?
secretly want my classification of Mr. R. was a disillusioned civil servant who would not judge within his discretion as well as his colleagues. I know of one friend that he was under the JV staff as "the only one whose reports are reasonably fair" are in contrast to what would otherwise everything from the psychological service. They regretted, as he went into retirement.
later a second date - set because the call is not enough hergab - is bad, the late psychologist located 20 minutes - your predecessor was crying, and he has visibly problems because he has to go without a break in the next date for something like 80 minutes. You give him to understand that then you better move, but should not expect that someone sweeping out his soul, perhaps to subtle signal does not, however. So you tell under what circumstances you on the phone, only because everything is already said, for example: 40 people throng without walls, screaming hop customers. What do you not know is that you have given him nothing of what he needs: the blame to you, "promoting and challenge. " What would the report is? - You will not learn it.
first training program: profiling and coaching at a church institution
your counterpart is a "nice guy". He tells you how he was social worker, was also long-term unemployed and told them at some point he did not know what will happen, he would remain at home longer, and I fear soon to hit his wife. He was allowed to study (apparently allowing it to him?). And that'll show you wanted to go so far as only. Even if he had The cleverly, where the Professor had not first understood.
What he requires as retraining opportunities, there is not seen since the 90s, and everyone knows that - from your appropriate skepticism blocks constructed. - The quote I will merely one of the less disgusting comments: "Many career ideas were immediately dismissed by him, by pointing out that he sure did not come into question Due to his personal limitations. "- Something like I have never said that! You can defend yourself but not even the other hand, because you deny the report will (you can safely force per lawyer - but then the bureaucracy is going to you, and everyone in Germany knows what is going on with the consortium on itself). You before you read it, but leave off these things, and the text is shorter. "If I do not get the report, please tell me what is on the negative side of me in it." - Mediator: "No, there is only positive."
Level 2 coaching job will be. The lady has an obvious psychological problem: they can fall times equal to any other people were "sick". Retrieved from "coaching" can be no question. They, too, was unemployed, canceled more than 40, it has forced and must tell everyone. The fear lies apparently still too low, they can incorporate it into other things, as they must occur be hard, but still threatens their existence, anyway.
Finally she shoots the bird by you in all seriousness mitschleift last date for the Chamber of Commerce to gather information about the prices there, whether a course would be in it for you. How does the normal (Call for brochure can be sent +) white they do not, it must be equal to the head of the department, as representative of a religious institution which they proudly presents ...
sitting there so you, the Lord looks (because it's the Protestant Church) friendly although irritated, and in all seriousness she is now playing street worker, as she saw it on TV series from ner well. "Give this young man another chance." But I'm not a teenager, or ex-junkie. I notice at some point stretched, I was "surprised" was something unusual about the event ... In short, I let them run up fully. The prices of the Chamber of Commerce for courses are excessive in their view, "I can not prevail over those in the consortium, at most a few hundred euros, but since you have nothing to do with the conclusion" - which I would say that from my point of view " ; normal "market prices are, and you should check any advance. The CCI team leader looked amused. The report of the Working Group I do not get - but they will have abated after that? : D
the half hour including driving expected generous than 2 hours of "job coaching" as it is an EU-funded Measure. - I leave it to the point of this to give you insight into how you feel. In December I got
least from my broker a job: where they thought the job agency search desperately and nobody wanted to do this work, is typical again ... The temporary employment agency but signaled that (even loosely speaking) the working atmosphere there is only what jailbirds, I do not fit in, and what else they do not regret it yourself, but that I do myself in Q1 report. Ideological optimism vs. Realism of the market. The months go by
, job search, and the attempt to build a new life with nothing. This is hard work, consultation with the agent are sometimes intermezzo, the pull down. When signals are enhanced by this stunning coaching. And you veer: the longer you're unemployed, the more will accumulate ...
2010 will you split from your broker to "health" of the training center, the alleged "social education" measure is a portfolio analysis "burnout" to open or in good German: represented internally, can you not divide the worst call center jobs, because often the only jobs there yet, because the scales of their employees wear out and replace every year.
The first call is already sobering. It turns out that she studied at the same chair as you. When asked, why do you as a student walked into the call center because you lacked the money and prospects there were poor at the university, she means an exaggeration, that she could not imagine how wonderful when the professor. .. - Later I will when it is often too bold on the wall ride with references such as "but they know very well by the (infamous) trials?" - and they respond with a damp "Yes" as a eternally displaced terrible reality. -
The thing was this: The professor reveled in the ivory tower and saw as a not at all to correct master's theses. His staff were overloaded accordingly, some students waited 2 years for the correction, and ended up unemployed because of a blemish on the resume. He had just these two faces, likely taught as standard amiable one. But students were as plump schonmal it could happen that he could paint in the final examination this train: "You know, locomotive and wagon, as in kindergarten" - they made the befuddled, and he wü ; rde say: "Look, and the train has now left for you!" - Everyone was scared, and students lived 5-6 years, a lie: reportedly angry CSU-led state government and bad study conditions - except for their professor, they could not criticize, yes.
Well class, are you allowed to classify by someone To let the still displaced? Many of these people are continuing their lie: They've done it, so is the stop / the other one came to nothing - and who got out will possibly crack up in order to insure themselves in life, there was no other way where? The reference to the conflict of interest is ignored. - It was a grind for me because they would try to poke around in my past as a child of divorce, and I ask about the dates 30-40x what I got to do with today. But if you bring in the report, then please use the link to that page of my website, where more than certified acts of child abuse lie (by which the matter should be off the table). They asked of me, despite offering now also exaggerated "because we need something in writing, not the other way" - but she would not read it, she claimed that despite this, of course. And contrary sodenn firm commitment to which I established my information, omit all the evidence. Thus, from a delinquent father Cholerikergewalt just "claimed to be traumatized from my childhood! All I know after the first, for the report, I would not get it, she reads to me whether this or say that could - but later wrote something completely different! I point to several times to try to stop them, however, that it is close to my broker (which is not so, but how would I know?). Level 2 I discuss because they promised me, with relationships in seeking help, this is normal, but she will not hold later in the agreement.
I must help her when you print my application and proof sheets. The dates she can barely keep time, it seems to me sometimes as if still in other cases when she puts together her portfolio for interview during I may wait at the table, although already out 5 minutes. There are then at least one worry, you really can not predict. I made them aware that they sent two weeks after moving into a new office still invitations with the old room number (other building in the industrial complex). Once is another customer in the same room, so that I have to listen to his strange history in the background. Her colleague drops occasionally in their work in the background, sighing, very faint of heart. Untreated burnout?
The "Coach" believes civil rights are they all mentally ill, so she sees no reason to make themselves politically. That she could have a call center trainer in front of him, she does not notice, my resume was hardly read. Her son, she can fall like about burnout, not without MP3 players work at the hardware store, the he could not bear this commercial was madness today. She works at the training center of the employers' heads, among other green plant, the inclusion of young people with similar problems, maybe some who were transferred to them only to ourselves to ? Displace
What she writes I will not get the time being. And I have other worries than to fight with the consortium.
The little intrigue: Your broker deceives the contract physician
After prolonged unemployment is the next doctor's appointment, actually a formality, just only because of the many free call center sites. I have a bad feeling, because the contract physician seems somehow biased, can not let me finish, interrupts will get then reinterpreted to chop off only to return when there should be decided objectify, and he makes me really to sow? Eventually he slipped out that he had located an act full of comic estimates a right to his wounding himself, but he must expect and it certainly had its correctness. He cites a quote from the act (the one with the alleged "trauma"), and a skin soon from the chair. to Ok, nice to have mentioned him. Towards the end of the interview released on both sides, I tell him that it will have consequences for the wife E. bfz.
What I would soon learn: My broker put me in her Order the Medical Service like a difficult case out, and the report would then look exactly> momentum. Posted she has apparently not even himself, as typical line breaks from a mail, perhaps by the team leader Clerical Augsburg-Mitte Mrs. B. (who hates me since I have 2009 for home and reburial of the resolution of my urn 300 EUR mother credit for SGB2 applied what was for her "attempted abuse"). She does not know how to spell "psychiatrist", for they are the "psychiatrist" ...
lies are known to have short legs. - As example is the flower in it that I know nothing of psychological 'help' held, and (quote) the "attempt to provide a professional approach in the context of a 1-euro jobs, was" from a health Lichen reasons, failed. Followed by the crowning glory ". On the general labor market, he receives only refusals"
Too bad only that I have dozens of documents and emails, which shows that my records kind microstructure , carried by Personalrecruitern to register again and again in between, in short, was much positive feedback, and a quite impressive number of interviews. I leave it here in the detection at the 1EUR-places where the vivid than in hundreds of applications. -
In the entire time it was six proposals for this 1-euro jobs "- These were just a job interview, and not as failed missions outlined:
(1) Web Designer for Children's Services : continue predecessor did and has a child there in the refuge, the place goes away Sun
(2) Housing for the elderly Mr. Bach: Head is surprised, why the mediator sends me they wanted normal elderly home secretaries, because the customer is the 60 are all very conservative. A former call-center person does not fit there.
(3) computer repair shop in Pfersee: already taken place, consortium has database chaos. The boss apologized to me for it and said it was already annoyed because of computer problems, the applicant would qualify for nothing.
(4) library in a girls high school: Another site already gone before I apply, file corpse.
(5) Meridian eV, an association for promotion literature. Chef tends the left, I am moderately conservative = Chemistry is not right. In the area of the course is not, he cancels out on his own.
(6) Toys Company (give toys to poor families, I would come in the PR department, a training company): Director says I do not fit into the team, requested by call center trainers. You hear all day local radio advertising, as I can not do, especially the lax attitude of the people. And they secretly want to smell your question, what does it all. It looks the same - a good interview.
My act
I wanted to go to doctor's appointment to the Office a copy of the act, and have him kindly As obtained from the spot. From his findings show that the doctor because of unclassifiable stories for him in the act think a psychiatric examination is urgently required to evaluate this further. Or between the lines. He had to write the most, because of the template If you read carefully, a dissociation is found. I think I have no reason to be angry with him if the part is now replaced, and I get assigned a new mediator.
are you allowed to say, after the entire theater briefly by a doctor there, where you pick up the copies in a can sniff (but sincerely nice and helpful) if you call Seist in order, something with which you are crunching, not even he jokes about it, grotesque situation. A psychiatric examination you refuse, is also an appointment with the psychologist. Perhaps the quote from a movie fits ( Dr. Jarvis from Thursday ) best "you know it's quite enough for one day! [Or 1 year in this case] ". I am close to it, engage a lawyer to feel hurt in my dignity and my rights (not because of the doctor, but what was going on before). -
With the hardest in this mess of conspiracy theories was the verdict of the Lady of the BFZ (between the lines): Although I had many years in dental treatment (episodes / dental deformity from childhood) and even for a necessary operation independent diagnoses would have obtained - so I was still so vulnerable that I would have probably due to internal blockades great difficulties, which also persevere in fact, it for lack of discipline. Something like to write is unspeakable.
And I had a "very negative view of the world," it said concerned. - I agree to a dialogue:
Me: "What speaks against it, to preserve youth and maintain outward appearances?
Caroline E., "your youth, you lose anyway, we is all that's life!"
final correction 10.2. 13:15. now on Google Documents
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