Well, how would you sum up the day so - apart from hot of course - but it is here every day: D Okay, we had decided today to make Shinjuku uncertain. Or rather I had hitherto been pending in the district, and then offered a ride there by phone. Shinjuku is like almost every part of Tokyo's incredibly colorful. But I thought it was really far the most colorful thing I've seen ^ ^ And in Shinjuku is the Kabukichyo which a) is a Hostlcub district and b) is still run by Yakuzan. Yeah, and this is when we are out, but only after it was getting dark. Previously, we looked around for a while, I've finally got an electronic dictionary (yes those things are so outrageously expensive in Germany and here simply give you a much better choice), then we have schonmal tried a karaoke bar (because it is cheaper than in the evening during the day - 2 hours cost 200 yen about and you must take a drink it). You always get a single room and can pick on a computer the songs of his choice: D I think we have almost sung only Tenimyu stuff xD But it was SO funny. Tomorrow evening we then extended version to the back-ON concert in Shibuya.
Here are some pictures of Shinjuku sufficiently general and the karaoke bar:
This was the entrance lobby of the karaoke bar. The thing has nothing but flaccid 9 stories ... Hello Japan ... : D
This is such a corridor, then just leave out of individual rooms. It is really soundproof and have peace and quiet for others (or the other before oneself: DD)
Subsequent images are then Kabukichyo. I mean ... It's a weird area
And finally again Shinjuku in the dark:
Then we have then made short Puri, D is the so funny. Did not even remember how silly the picture then "beautify" can still * laughing * Well, I will now bought my strawberry milk (I hope at least that is what it xD) drink and play with my dictionary: D (Achja. head .. and cinema is better than 'ne great invention).
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