Thursday, November 19, 2009

Can We Paint On The Formaca

little occasional text, nothing special

sometimes it happens that a comment gets too long and more alike entry of interest to itself, whatever, here's the link -> cid = 11066412 # comment11066412 .

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pineapple Super Fat Melter Tablets

software, fair competition, databases and personal freedom

Who of you / you is from Germany, the browser may help and wants can help me in this thread something = 296 662 & t = 1256207740

first, it might seem like just technical, but the topic of managed data transport based on something even more. I like helping in translation (written if necessary).

Please note that this is a technical forum for friends of the browser, and all statements limited to software, database quality, etc., not politicizing or herabwertend. The focus should strictly be on issues such as usability, because only go so it should.

What I want to because, among other things, is to build up pressure so that the Agency's IT work side finally accessible to any browser makes - and (although this is not the reason why you posting that) something lifts the level outside + nebenzu officials confirmed that occur internally for more quality, but which have not been established reference points.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Usb To Rca Adapter Radio Shack

layoffs in call centers

The discussion Begatelldelikte: behind the funny (but also bold, for whoever takes as food without asking at least or a reason destroyed, so really the foundation of trust / economy permits only many places) stories, the reality is bleak. And the more such stories circulating about workers who are "somehow to blame" ...


look at the Call Center you do things differently. Colleagues are on antidepressants, and shouting, because too much so it made it as soporific effects, at noon to: that they can not come on time at 8:00 ... Or a young mother whose child is in hospital freaks out because of bullying (even to quite put under pressure ratio) - from> and screams in the area around "you bastards!". -> Debtor's prison himself fired? They usually have

no chance and are as long as mobbed by colleagues until they lose their nerve (at the job and no wonder!). Or put in the situation of having to 'complaints' Leave. With the reality of bullying in the metropolitan area has become very difficult to describe adequately yet, and she calls in the situation certainly. Where should they describe generally what every long been clear = a Truism is and are aware of the drafting, it will fire them, but you just leaving them no choice but to do so. This means that they fry in its own juice and no matter what they say it will be construed against them before (* mental rape-* constellation). -

often something happens, if set to legal: and firing means so today, preemptively destroy the credibility of the event that someone would say about such illegal telephony. The concern that could happen is totally inappropriate: but it is * the * opportunity for young careers, to distinguish themselves by pretending to help an employer, in this case a "major fire" to prevent. So you fire at fault because of the mass of negative feedback about an employee, and the rest to the climate - the victims are stigmatized in the courts and authorities in the world. Someone unemployed should be thankful ...

We are far back in the time of the secretly twirled mustaches of Wilhelminism ² - every youngster boasts that he would never be so "stupid" to be critical of something. Who's opinion even if constructive external or "important" would take to pay attention to compliance with the law, instead of "lane" was probably "eh not quite clean," et cetera. - Police dealt with in the Air call center fraud individualized: the single telephonist but was "a history of" always to blame, because the local newspaper wrote so positively about the house and stuff but could "so wrong because now not be back somehow," reads sometimes slowly from the syndicate. And why do people work in areas where they would just stop dirty? * lol * is *

sense of wrongdoing in Germany before any more. What is beneficial is good to be successful =. Controlling state has some of the latest instances of intimidation since the scandal involving false statements to agents of 2000, where 'the' public understanding in the face of the disintegration of values not know why an authority 'crazy' Conscientiousness and self-criticism and auctions, where PR is still much more beautiful. lol -

employment agency and consortium began many years all these unnecessary conflicts in the working world understanding for the public good and welfare funds from (and that takes time / responsiveness to the people to re-integrate them!); her own controlling, however, was committed without actually consider themselves to damage and it also can criticize, "traitor" was not a "corporate behavior". - Today, keep to it out rather in terms of controlling, evidence of black sheep of the corporate world seem to be no longer worked in many places on the middle tier to vote the rumors of temporary contractors who did not make good experience with their corresponding inputs.


Back to the topic. Appear to you these funny stories, which be dragged into the public domain, at least partly strategic: since when did you last read in the local newspaper of the tens of thousands of complaints of call center agent since 2000? Many take only things that stand up to the employee as lazy, of course, there will be that, but it is just part of the truth. 20 years of this kind of coverage in some places only have meant that we only got those states (because it seems normal / excusable?), And employer representatives be revised = vergiftelt act that youth turn away, and "left" is defined. Man obsessed ever deeper into the stories, completely unnecessary. But what else would cost in social and health services, and the parts will end up really expensive.

This short entry is to not pull down, but just a little work, however. The fun of many readers to simple stories acts on the other side as stigmatization of people who enter at the bottom (or above) for consumer rights. Those politicians who make with the chalkers 'Korinthenkackerei' and 'bureaucratic pettiness' a name remain, diabolical in their saying: When in doubt, do they addressed only timely but the voters as he has allegedly containing only understand it [until it has taken so how is it hinstellt], and direct the whole thing turns into a morality timpani, which makes many unfounded and motivated people injured. To even qualify as "unternehmernah" for the career. ->

The consideration * on conveniences welfare-pampered people would again follow hard work, it was now tackling instead ...* lol

² The difference is that back then was just a matter of being able to afford even ordinary clothes , and the very narrow calculation of the time caused much injustice - rather than today, to play mobbend career because * you the same kind must be so to survive;) *. Without at least seeing a little bit no, how good we have it, and that for his company over but it should also please be at least somewhat loyal and conscientious.
The text you should know that the style is humanistic -> bring the full scope of academic audiences. Political orientation: * economically liberal, moderate, conservative social policy *, it is not a left-wing criticism.

(expansion 12/30/2010 14:30)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Etiquette In Gay Saunas

behind this group

now has many readers here, to people at the employment agency ( WebTracker ). I figure I will understand that this should be only a few key texts, and no news feed.

the project is cut from the bottom in particular, the organizers of unemployment and psychological associations, because it is for the competition. well, those are the opponents. I was in the call center field (as team leader) any of the not few who would not that degrade people. there, but it is different, they live in a safe place Hartz-IV with small tips for proletarians can tap what can, and their message that it remains so. because the organizers of these are from some of Monday demonstrations. for us-unemployment is something that should not exist; Telephone burn out and then have it some time, but We also pay our price. we do not understand the sick ideology, have been working for profit and that one has no career is in politics, the legal standards and working conditions that violated the centers, so that they mutate to sweatshops.

the impression that you could change conceptions of what fool would. It is even dangerous, for it is easy as a megalomaniac, or would like to flay someone of attention placed, incorrigible. People buy one-sided political magazines, and is advertised goods: they have my support. to say "yes you hear nothing from the Internet matters for which they did not pay a penny. and politicians owe their seats in the Bundestag, the fact that it is so, call center to divert public money, people said to give meaning and bread, and all quite dependent citizens, often only for 1 year.

my point: if such small projects that lie somewhere between the general texts that you find nowhere else, and showcases - take> long time out, this is often the best solution. things are just for themselves, and should not be worn in quantity, but first claim, to be supported. most readers do not know LJ; do it anymore, so the answer would be that we should use these things just to citation and released to carry on, and when the first reports in print, we can talk about it.

status of this small group project, I look at my WebTracker. it is not bad in terms of visitor numbers, but I want to change. who is honest, knows that given the political power of the Federal Government is currently against critics, the encroachments on press freedom, and the climate of militant demonstrations would be a mistake to write on such a human, it would not be taken seriously, laughed at or. and so is the better here are the network for what it is, a very early page, and perhaps the only one which the industry and the telephone operators in more detail below stands, and the top management. is often criticized for sheer bullying of middle levels, they wanted to know what's going on down to the base so that many employees are fired, and saw their own signals of struts in an intolerant manner designed to endanger the business. what greedy politicians did with their sweatshops in the industry that they would not be secure. so that the situation of course there is the fence, but that call center employees are flat, very close to the management. :)

what I'm concerned, I unfortunately had to retire from the industry now, because there is no going back. Ausbrennzeit normal maximum of 2 years, I have a lot more and quota stallion, while too much fighting for the cause or colleagues -> Bullying can excrete a fast as a telephone. but I am still connected always, these hard-working people down in the sales forces, and the liberal arts above. find no real conclusion to this text would be glad if others endorse it, and just leave it in the form as it is, and I hope it was liked. =)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Infection Deep In My Ear


I must again auskotzten:

About "Parents on trial" on RTL

This program has a very wide margin the lousy show a long time.

first Where do you dig out such people. Any Brainless weak Maten by Tuten and bubbles (one probably the women, P) have no idea.

second Why do parents give their children such people?? to

To be honest. Even if one of the mothers said that seeing is worse than it is. No mother, who is on their children more than the coal for this series and the children on television to crowd, had so been through a circus. The really do not. If I were a mother, I would have never been through something.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How Much To Tip Brazilian Wax

New Story

After ages I finally made it * _ * a new story is going and this time there is something big I can see.
It is quite different from the Schmu I've written some, but until I do I'll give ne taste necessarily write more and working on it.

Yeah *_____*

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Stone Stuck In Urethrahard To Urinate


appeared in another blog a short essay on get telemarketing calls from pharmacies

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Registering Dune Buggy Ontario

Not much new

Hallöchen back
has so slow me my life back. I was with my friend in Berlin and in Tropical Iceland * __ * that was tollig but next time I'll take flip-flops were with = _ = my feet dead
Berlin itself was also great and the weather was so glorious.
As such, I love the weather now, the sun is so great as I'm concerned, the like to stay ^ ^

Otherwise everything is as usual, except that I lose my decision now finally tackle because I otherwise depressed 'll>>

Friday, April 10, 2009

Singapore Wedding Program

social system in the tension of political violence

these assessments of staff including the Government of Swabia and the Ministry of Welfare. I've arranged a bit like this stand on its

  1. operated our politicians for years about the worsening of the social laws (This refers to things such as employment protection) a climate of fear in the country. employment services should be brought by the social services consortium dominated her job under pressure. they had up a bad reputation because of their proximity to local politics
  2. you jump there, obviously with the people so hurtful and bureaucratic, that many for fear of losing their place, and afterwards to fall out of the social network, for example, for call center illegal work were forced to and contained criticism. foreign policy preferences and interests to intervene now much in public administrations
  3. this climate of fear is not planned right, but part and momentum of a violent policy that offers its protagonists optimal culture media for their careers. against evil socialists 'unternehmernah' play makes always good, the negative energy of such games suggest somewhere else to book
  4. the example of call center employees illustrates: that would be burned off at 400% power, fired after a few months, then lock time, just maybe employment office below the poverty rate (because ALG1 because of the Minimum Wage in the industry was not populated enough). again and again for a while recipients of the consortium, there mistreated in this way that they quickly move in the next sweatshop, and so on. if you saw it now systematically: the more people around the power of their existing Social Security Benefit Taxes be brought up to the more you can redeploy into war chests, such as sports clubs and public events, party financing, etc., for the culture of the Veteran. who is burned out on Hartz IV, is found because of the skillful stigma of unemployment by some local press -> disenfranchised and impoverished again, and can not fight
  5. course, the people paid in spite of occasional unemployment, a much higher price, which was often overlooked : their chances, then after about bullying and dismissal others work for you, and elimination end of life perspectives. working conditions in those sweatshops, and related Werbefrequentierung the company after work destroyed the family structure in the country
  6. criticism from the ministerial area is particularly concerned [therefore play an employee probably even this kind of information], when it comes to his own Understanding of officials . Criticism of the fast careers that would be possible due to the politicization of the social sphere, and sometimes lead to bullying. Employees in small agencies, acting in accordance with the principles of public service ran, now risk in a climate of hateful coffee cliques - perceived> as obstructionist be. how could the 'politicians' remove later among the team managers from the authorities again apparatus is unclear, because this was missing the opportunities. It might destroy the young structure of the authorities, and draw image damage being taken, which endangered the long term to justify government handling of the social sector.
    because in the end remains the country on the buck of a defiant various tricks of politics as souped Statistics - sit> in the long term increase in unemployment and must then rebuke of politics and sweatshops can be without his services respects the reintegration of people ever again to see.

please see my distancing

Monday, March 30, 2009

Leica Battery Charger Not Working

distortion of competition in the temporary employment industry?

in Augsburg-Munich area there is always clearer signs of an impaired by call center operations, free competition of private employment agencies.

in different houses requestor (applicants) are often confronted with telephone spamming, when it comes to profitable short-term (integration package) placement of the unemployed in the call center legal gray area. sometimes one has the impression that job, whether appropriate or not, be 'persuaded' with violence towards call centers hurt, with methods that conditions of employment agencies and joint venture.

government supervisory bodies seem not to find enough space to investigate complaints from the public. the Chamber of Commerce in Munich, requesting information regarding exemplary citizens have about their privacy options, but the process is a public authority. this does appear to be at their very limited options, so that the operations to be reduced strictly to maintain the deletion of individual records (instead of checking in detail whether a company spamming). the problem is certainly in the signals of the policy, the move towards a weakening of our legal system in favor of corruption.

I myself have an operation in 2008 passed and the promised written confirmation of data protection agency failed to materialize after the spamming company worked with authoritarian appeal be phrases. because there were not lacking in options?

the dubious competition from companies in the industry should be imbued with conceptual, such as aggravated by the recording requirements for frequent outbound call centers, which registered unemployed. Controls in this direction seems to be undefined.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Caylee And Christy Intervention Update

two weeks

So I am two weeks from today but not at home with my friend.

If what is, mail or sms Leave

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Delamination Dvd R Dl

not home sick again

Tjaja I habs beat this year -.-
gastrointestinal namely its best, but rather gut, I can not eat, I have lost over the last 4 days 4 kilos and that's saying something. _.
Funny I find not lose weight if I wanted, I feel miserable and limp like a rag made of the lack

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Best Cooling Head Band

pain sharpens all my senses ... Or so

Tjaja was
It was again so far. Blanche Klein was back to crush. This pain was indescribable, my left arm was numb purely a horror. Well today, then tomorrow
sharpened shortly before the work to the doctor. Vortex set right @ _ @ I think those were all between the shoulder blades, which has cracked as stupid. And after that? A blessing, it was simply liberating.

Well I'm from back pain Although renken anything but tolerable.
I'll go next week also my mobile phone tariff because of exorbitant cost Prepayd with the former provider. And finally found one where you can keep the no. Aldi Talk. Thx God
Because I'm a lazy piece I would want to keep my No. ~ ~

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Vhs Dvd Combo View And Record At The Same Time

January is to

Tjaja now is January already over ...

Went pretty fast and soon it's my birthday damn I'm getting old.
I really do not know what to do to me ....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nokia N96 Flv Problem


due to the many visitors from the U.S. a short intro:
on this page, there are German texts about the work circumstances of call center sweatshops, unfair competition + some tips for consumers / business customers. it's the most detailed information available on the internet.

is what this for a place? I am now one of the many strange call center agents in Germany, where their sweatshops, the police rushed to the neck in order to intimidate them. also encountered in the civil-rights sector.

the site grew out of my personal and work-up follows an ethical obligation. can it online because the decision to remain in Germany these days, legal, hurt your family and given the reckless and disrespectful of many contemporaries actually already prohibits.

the symbolic publication currently a major problem.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pokemon Laptop Covers

Wuhu, an entry is an entry

So after 10 years, I create it felt to finally write a new entry:

first I work really, every day and enjoy it me * _ * is genuine second supi

on 10.02.2009 is my appointment with the occupational physician and all necessary? My ass is on the ground ice, I'm afraid that I for whatever reason do not get the place after the fact, biting this fear I can not take any although I would have to be afraid of anything in theory, anyway.

Joa much time I have not zzt, but wat should I live that's the main thing.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thumb & Pointer Tattoos

* Documents low Telephone *. Letters to the call center problem


efforts for many years, Augsburg Call Center Agent to coverage in local media -> and are censored. The rumors are provided, at least one large company in the desert sector ensures that no one reports: that of VIP parties, are also attended by journalists. The Augsburg local politics avoids the subject like the plague, especially Germany, is known as a cheap outsourcing location for Munich telephone campaigns of the gray area.

Here's my futile efforts to a report in the Augsburger Allgemeine. I'm not one of the forms which rant online. And the time is not ripe for something anyway, but it will come. For at least the corresponding editor of the Augsburger Allgemeine has already been doused with gasoline.

You have to read something, of course.

link to the documents

27th November 2008

This is a very basic document, not one of those disgusting, but written in a proper and ok to give other evidence. Open letters like this to document. Maybe.

additions 02 December 16:00

It's hard to take in something like the right tone. But most of all because of the fact that call centers are a repressed theme, you have to build themselves a foundation first, calling into question of which one can. This is a long before then or 'stilted', changing again -> now it is too mundane or 'blaming', seems another 'not factual' enough so that it bends, then again too long, etc. an endless thing. What you should know.

But you feel that something like 'one in a million times' and not bad for a city, such actions have to, it suggests a city that lives and culture. In that sense. :)

Update + reedit 05th January

Because Christmas I had to move, it takes time and I did not want to be intrusive. This month there will be a second letter to the City Council To give my experience brings. I was very relieved that the first letter is received well, at least for the CSU, before the best party in England (sorry, but this is true). I can not do fine, trust, work with institutions to take advice and assistance only decent claim, it is too much. I am grateful for feedback.

second major 14th letter January 2009

Just now I sent a letter connection. In contrast to the beginning, he is not so compressed, and written in a very short time. Perhaps for the first time ever, we will describe how the violence against local telephone operators and consumers is possible or why there are so affected have a hard time. I expect much of this document.

A little dedication goes to the people of Beethoven district. Without the reinforcement there is such a testimony of non-urban culture. \u0026lt;3

02 March, over 3 months later

... still not a single response, not even a demand, apart from my call to the (lieben!) Secretary of the CSU. -> Again it is obvious. No one has to wonder about the rumors of corruption in the Augsburg city council, which damage our economic region so much.

Below I publish a list of all councils, which I ankontaktierte November-January, political groups by a telephone. The city councils to flee but before the interview. At a later point in time you can combine calls for his resignation (I think not), but the matter should be other people, I can not do everything.

  • 'Pro' Augsburg:
    Peter grave, Beate Schabert, Zeidler, Karl Heinz Englet, Rudolf Holzapfel, Rolf Harzmann, Werner laurel
  • The Left:
    Alexander Süßmair
  • SPD:
    Margaret Heinrich, Susanne Fischer, Ulrich Wagner
  • CSU:
    Joseph Hummel
  • speeches, political groups (distribution):
    OB Unit, CSU, SPD, 'Pro' Augsburg

NEW: update end of March

preliminary summary:
The local section of the Augsburger Allgemeine violates the rights of the press,
by requests from call center agents are to report on
conditions in the sweatshops held out systematically - the City Council is taking part.

To date, no feedback. My complaint with the newspaper was handed an unusual way down. The head of the local section verwantwortliche seemed angry at me, I mean, obviously for personal reasons. He wanted to comment, despite repeated requests, he evaded not about why he delayed in spite of participation in the meeting at the end of November, when he decided against reporting until the story was old. The two calls were from the city desk of aggressive and hostile. A request from the publisher to sites to verify the participation of Mr. S. was as responsible for the city desk at the corresponding session is not answered, nor discussed my open letter in January.

This is "proven" (but which can still be considered something like that, where German readers often do not care) that the Augsburger Allgemeine intentional violation against the German press law. And the question seems pointless if the local section of call center companies in the region has been bribed. At present, it would be uncomfortable here fight on, the public is not used to. I will resume in many months, as more interest is present.

FAQ of the original releases of the end of November 2008:

  • if it strikes someone: 'Open Letter' is not meant as a paper to a person, but _für_ an industry and economic region. I hope no one depends on it, but there is no other name is not in German that sounds pompous, and what we have also tended towards 'offensive'.
  • please note that is not directly referenced here, because I have the group do not apply by mail.
  • the important passage on the question of legal accountability * * setting today was originally called "... whether Legalsein is the family over to answer for in the career or still heavy debt implies"
  • at the time: You remember the documents sure, it's something that someone has been sitting for too long about it, even if they are not written really pretty good ... that's right. Planned for Q1/2008 was the action by the end! Since then, I had paid heed to the internal problems of the FDP vote , one of my classmates has a seat in Parliament (it looks like probably blocked MP Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger to distinguish itself through demarcation from the bottom, before they again became Minister. or the offices were just ignorant). Actually it is so that I would have preferred a personal call to an open letter, that my preparations were always rather half-heartedly, I do not think a lot of activity. That made it difficult.