Golden Toast and leeches Urkorn, or "What gruschteln for people there actually around the bread?" you have always wondered who that is probably because of "a private person without a name plate in the bread bags" making out "in markets such as REAL and purchase land? - You will find in this text that answers your question with plenty of slapstick.
Most of you have a clammy feeling + take their bags of bread later. And we will not mind!
short to yours truly: I'm an ex-call center'Manager small ', which was not illegal. That gets you in the current climate bad, where legal setting is not understood, even if everyone knows what's going on in the industry. We then take any job to be not unemployed. Despite the absence of candidates for lousy paying jobs, it often takes months before you ever get a call back, because chaos reigns in the temporary employment industry.
So here. A company from the field in Baden-Württemberg Supreme desperately staff. They are contrary to some view is not "Real" and a smock or a name tag There's not. It will of customers, of course addressed or looked at wrong, and they take goods suspiciously from behind.
Some say obviously, because we surely work for Kamps', we would grudge them that. But not necessarily: In the industry, although it is sometimes the customers are rude and zerpflügten the shelves, but you have your own opinion, even if they say you should not always. - The cut loaves in any event are under the clip open, and you know what all is on the way in supermarkets - hygienic concerns are inevitable as easy.
People like I now work in their own street clothes, with food in her arms, and the film is sometimes broken. Breads are stacked on the sometimes dirty floor of the supermarket, moved and sorted as shown in Teaching (for work in boxes is at 150 packs no space and no time). Returns without expired best before date of loss strictly. Not every car is busted packs (> loose clips, or the risen seam on the ground, in which one comes with a finger) to screen for customers. I so someone was rare, so you can read below how it happened to me after a very short time ago.
Behind the scenes?
your first working day was last Monday, 6:30 to 8:00 officially, Real Augsburg Reichenberger Strasse. There is no locker is not for employees of the outside firm, you must put your jacket and bag in a dirty corner of the ground in real storage. With mice, they have fortunately few problems, thanks to special cases, but would be a good hook, at least. Time, aside from the fact that each course can be connected to your things (storage door at the butcher's is open). Wash your hands, that you can better, for there is only the Kundenklo the front of the Real, and there's already stinks few meters before the door as of urine, that it is more hygienic not to touch the handle. Handrails on the bus are cleaner.
awaits a new range, maximum 4x11 boxes officially, unofficially upward often much more, and just what the previous day did not fit on the shelf, for once again about 50-75% of the load. Let's say around 80 new cases. Scheduled for spatialization, inventory and order after expiration of the things (and the remaining shelf content of ~ 1-200%) is 1.58 hours.
or exactly 94 minutes 12 seconds on the wrap 6 EUR hourly wage meticulously pfennigfuchserisch be. This is of course dumping salary in the gray zone, or beyond.
brands that you would not expect it, because they are more than a high price:
Golden grain toast
Peter & Paul
and in the book sector:
TIP (Real)
& K Classic (buying land)
From fine flan and cheesecake through to grain bread, all in all a long shelf in the supermarket, for those goods that are supposed to be a day still fresh as a vegetable, salad or meat. That does of course sometimes not to be measured at the slow in putting away of industrial pallets of toilet paper. LOL
With the truck so the two pallets to the shelf, tear film (there's no carpet knife, nor pen). The company considers it important that every day is quasi Inventory: Label accessible to the front / top, even for junk bread. Each variety "completely" eliminate, and meticulously sort through them by date. It may not even be durable in the depth of the shelf-life packaging of a well of a 1 day less in length, which is effectively controlled! And 1 hour later before the case after some Customers "gruschtelten.
These tests in the industry are the source of many rumors to the customer that any strange people, "undelete" a prepared pack - in fact, are these checks show that age-old packs to check in the Green Week ndlichkeit of staff should be tricked back to catch the customer then sometimes. But enough of that
So, you have to say we are realistic about the 80 boxes, where to go in every 8 packs great toast - but many more small items such as pumpernickel or overturning them constantly "Toasties" one really stays. Even harmless toast packs can be bad, if fully arrange the shelves, meaning you have to admit, even at low TIP filigree everything and every day, date obscured always possible, have no place for the 5-10 stacks of different expiration dates for hundreds TIP-peasant breads, customers around you: it is uniformly true!
The boxes are sometimes confused> often means back to when the same comes back later - and each location in your rack so that the customer must take the oldest front. What most obviously still do not, I would not - but that's the claim, perfect execution for the client ...
But back: the virtue of costing accounts for 1 minute per crate and reorganization of the associated shelf space. At the same time you like real hard for people to be there when the customers ask what to give your shelves in stored food from other departments in order to return (such as frozen goods) to control delivery + fill conscientiously returned goods carefully - and make the calculation for Kamps' next delivery, which types of bread as particularly good or reluctant to go, and so thanks to good work & commercial pricing at the bottom - bless> the young marketing of the client. What You'll never meet, except through signals from the distribution that is more profit in it, and you could work better if the will is there only because ... -
you as a client / customer can expect certain that this normally makes a representative, firm employed by the producers of the well-known brand like it should be, and thus a representative - because you pay a premium price for small packages, where it is in on it. What was once so the call this stuff was, but - not unlike the pharmacies of sweaty Call center employees are frequented that issue, however, as a pharmaceutical company employees "to build up pressure" to - there are employees who all for under 10 EUR on the morning consistently do that from 6:00 bis 10:00 clock.
Yes, not an hourly wage, but you earn in total in one day at a slightly basic, with no travel expenses!
That picture looks very different course than the hypocritical self-representation on the Internet. And camps like it was said higher returns, you are told by the nice lady that you Desboutins and wants to get rid of the job obviously. She understood that she said not at this request as the young lady came in sales recently, but please send back much more to throw away, what would be decided enough ... - But it is still seen the sales if the shelves are packed and thus more is coming back, so hedged about? And you can guess wrong -> that might return more towards thumbscrews mean employees? : D *
like to see it is in rack 1 hour, and suggests plan to fill less. In the same paragraph, of course, please? Which would require but a second colleague in the afternoon, does not exist. If you are an employee that is someone who tamper with dripping with sweat in a bad rush on the shelf so that is all too full, thus not very comfortable. Especially since the different client seem to have differing ideas, but which are not well coordinated in management?
the top I've already written that my attitude to customers is quite relaxed - the amiable old lady is happy that you have for them in the boxes nachsiehst because their favorite variety is no longer on the shelf. That's part and it saves your otherwise acidic day, still experiencing the ease of German occupation.
low blows are plenty of sleazy people, the more expensive products "most significant", convince yourself it was probably not fresh and just "rip off" -> then with cheap pretzels to make do with the competition, as well as first knead each holey grid. Something you might not have on your plate, and so people take from below, which gives us a huge effort, but as I said, we also just fully understand, and do not help secretly, because the client knows nothing of all this and has in the prices already have a right to health.
At the end of the film, everything must be perfect, you will go several rounds. Then fax the orders, drop off the audited delivery place, and the returns + empty pallets for the driver to take home the next morning. But it is already far after 10 clock, and you are there for 6 on his legs - "If you need longer, that's your thing, we do not pay!". Course was Thursday to Saturday a lot more products ... is not acted upon, be it yet is in a stunning package of 6 EUR already there. All this comes
it seems piecemeal, according to current test phase of work, where is signed and thus engage the Konditionalstrafen for early request for termination? The Training is Monday to Wednesday for two, and here we had good times the bad luck now that the competent Dame, it was much more time because it is time for them should be expected (the total my impression), so that the contract late backdated went out and looked through the candidates?
you is scary, because: You are unemployed and really need a certificate urgently, for every start work must still be reported. -> It tells you it is normal, an email is enough to ARGE. You ask every day for more urgent because there is still no agreement in the mailbox. Friday night you look again, and there he is, but too tired to read the still morning halt. - The week went on it orally, the part is probably backdated, one has to look exactly ah -> no matter anyway, you will not Konditionalstrafe if you do not know what may come to a can , and it is late, at half past four out of the bed.
You work so already 5 days in writing to have in hand, or that one really has you under contract without anything = know. Until then, no staff questionnaire is filled out at all, showed no identity. Then you could practically come along every, no security, who handled because of food, and that is not naturally present in good time.
Anyway, no one put you at least the boss ever before, according to the company Anlernerin was cautious about (Call Center - it sounded after).
Since they pay only 1 / 3 of working time, this means that the consortium subsidized without the knowledge of the rest, and how many actually?
Saturday culminates everything, it is 6 Day, and I can not reach the competent lady, but have also not had time to me to look at the contract carefully. And this is probably necessary. The customers are waiting for goods to drive away, no choice. It is a huge load, which is available in the camp for the Fat Saturday.
The real boss (who is set before you find out you do not know, no information) the one you never imagined, now speaks out against the end of the layer to the first time, why do you as long as need: The shelf should be at 8, it was different for Real "not sustainable". He is really nice, says that for many weeks now, people have come off shortly after the training anyway, and he "already suffering" is having to imagine every week from people when he knew that all of them few days later are gone and it does not care anyway.
he would look again and say what you do "wrong", the task is to create well. Where it is based on your notice to but 1 / 3 of the filling - something with you your get estimates for trouble with the client will, Ex-call center people know the game. Eben contradictory expectations, and all must solve most of the employees at the bottom, without proper payment, while only signals come, they wanted more returns -> which means packed shelves, and pressure to work better to prevent return of goods?
Well class, you created test so for almost nothing, have botched a private doctor's appointment because too much material come from, after the mega-charge from Saturday at home dog-tired, and now give you the contract. -
Something like you have never seen ...
documents instructions on page 2, should not learn in the customer: D
sign you can sure not, if only because the 15 hour barrier broken for the Working side jobs wü rde - (), and how you should find a place under conditions, when you in the transitional period, not the originally promised compromise can go to just to be ready by 8 in order to hopefully coming place to rush can: the pays you a social security and accuracy of the consortium?
you write then this email that you sign can not, and call on Monday morning several times 5:30 to 7:00, it's because you are uncomfortable because you are insured at all? According to AB, the company is only available from 7:00. - Later they will say well you could call at 6:30 and have to wait until someone reports, but what you know nothing of what is covered but for incorporation. It reminds you a whole but much of those cable operators who raged at his deliberately understaffed AB, customers - why an AB at the time of response for customers and therefore do not speak on it no reference to the possibility of leaving something on the tape or to wait until someone reports? Sounds like the cheap box that we had back then: a line in a multiplex center for everything.
Shortly after they call you back, and this original woman - apparently back from the call center - rewinds a cannonade of read down-sounding allegations that go some way towards "fault", but what they had known (but never said or packed in the work instruction) was that it was unreliable, and so on. - Do you ever fall into the Word, and listen not know how call center outbound.
Typical push method: One would You complained repeatedly called in between the training and would not you, so please now "can not complain," the style ... - But the calls were aware lapidary + during training, where you have no overview and behave in a friendly hotel, which expects the support of unemployment insurance. Although it has certainly put signals in time, and came back. Anlernerin: "They earn only these [pause, pressed] 6 EUR for 1:58 hours?! LOL "
later you have short-certainty: the company accept the" end of contract " never signed the contract, the consortium ebendas confirm that I had stopped at his own request to this contract. Huh? The now allegedly used unnecessary Springer (because telephone reception in which to late / AB), you will be deducted from the salary stunning, 25-30 EUR or so, they can not predict and calculate it individually, hot t it.
Worth have you in 6 days, sweatshop work half days for a total maximum of 25 EUR, an hourly rate of 1 EUR nochmalwas - will always be the case until mid-month of November, after more than a month unless they discharge all, and the payment . Who believes it will be saved.
way you can with unemployment of course make money?
But let's leave that to me is not about $, I like the economy, and customers wishing to return there. In the call center they sometimes joked that it was too loving advice, but that's just from the good rate, which they said that was not legally possible, which she was very good.
is the end, clear to me that, knowing the conditions, I will probably never buy again Kamps and real products.
Lt. Homepage of the company where I worked directly done, "the settlement of our performance ... flexible depending on Customer (eg Std-base / package) " - that is the main driver behind the practices in question is probably the struggle" to be AG, "or Barilla.
In contrast, the first of the battle site:
"Moreover, the decision is a strategic partnership with SSP (leading provider of catering and retail concessions) can be addressed. The plan is to expand to 25 sites in the next three years by the new franchise partners. "-
The group was taken over by Barilla - they come out of the red now apparently at the expense of other funds. Wikipedia says it's seems just enough
"Kamps AG's shares are currently listed on any stock exchange more. ... Back in 2005, sales of the company had since its acquisition in 2002, reduced from an initial € 1.8 billion to 1.21 billion €, 2002, the group was in the red. The number of employees fell in the same period from 14,000 to 7,800. A decline was marked, however, already before the Barilla acquisition. From 2006 figures for Kamps group were more public. "Http:// (companies)
I would like to conclude with what I enjoy the economic calculation and positive energy.
The only brand that seemed to have quite fair contracts, was Ölz:
1 / 2 hour time for this little shelf of the Austrian cake manufacturer, 2x a week that was in the short time my Favorite: to create a pleasant sort, tidy package.
extra (motivation):
Compare the other giant of the shelves in Real Ölz, you ask how to do it: > 10 times the area in less than 3 times the time it was granted for Ölz? And bring this kind of business behavior really more sales, or here do not drive young manager Zicken the name German brands literally on the wall? Thing like that gets around. It would be enough alone to balance the books, who was all there already busy, and they should not leave after 50% staff reduction on it, that one was still in the prestige as before, the to prevent.
I am someone who does not want to stress, arbeitgebernah. Unpaid overtime are not an issue, loyalty, totally easy! Exaggerated ideology by hot young whippersnappers but creates problems that are unnecessary as a goiter (according to Helmut Kohl).
A confidentiality clause I never signed, and acknowledged not even verbally, because am therefore not bound. In general whistleblowing will be eating this way, so I have nothing to fear, but even if I did not take back's.
You feel better at the end, what you're doing good for the stupid trouble. I mean, you just want a simple small office and work hard, without abusing it be. And slowly
's it to you and your colleagues. German professional life seems all too often today verkünstelt such as a sick dime. Everything is complicated by greedy graduates, and then they throw you in front of the still. While entrepreneurs have difficulty finding more reliable people for such jobs. - What
unfair competition of its kind at the end of the state and the society does, that's just brutal, and sawed off the branch on which we all sit. It certainly boosts the sales of non-, and taxes are so not even pure.