This is below one portion. Of course there was the phone types never an answer, is now expected of police officers, Fraud on the citizens to separate, as if that was always so '. The local section suggests, "this comic companies" are somehow dependent probably only modern, and they sponsor but the football club! : D
like this happened in any event call center people see police -> as sometimes too convenient / "naive" - that does not mean that this picture must agree. But it shapes the 'risk assessment' of the team manager. Some police officers say who should go into the shark tank, but do not be surprised - as if the go areas according to a consensus more of the Company. The many places but, in fact, unwritten legal basis in court. Of course, people have to secure good wages Talking with the state precisely because they rarely run the risk of coming into a moral conflict. But it is your experience, this "realistic cops" who are committed to somewhere else really, because at least they see the industry as dubious.
Anyway, here is the small historical document:

Something like to see mail from the always worried, because everyone knows that you are in your city's ass if the rumspricht. For it is surely better than disturbed, the bulls to run, and thereby wreck the career? (Nice greetings to the police headquarters in Rostock! * LOL *)