colleagues call center aus'm & modern 'schizophrenia'
Yep, you were one of these creatures call center, and in the years that followed saw you in town now sometimes your ex-colleagues. About those weird experiences, the fragmentary journal turns here ...
this: I'm far from countless encounters only an experienced, where someone acted the way it should be. Thus, in the direction:
"Hey, how are you ... a pity you're gone ... What are you doing now so ... I'm changing to * ...?"
-> You're then totally impressed, because "normal" behavior is no longer where somehow the madness reigns.
there were only a few their jobs. In all seriousness, they talk then, almost as if nothing had happened, as if you are still working together - and put yourself the latest International.
Where do you bring it into play, they indicate that one is better but to anyone investing, but more the way (call center agents are verratscht damn). Why she spoke out now anyway? - No stirring things, they will obviously not just parrot it has something, just what they heard on the radio, unternehmernah or whatever: just shoot it out of her, assuring himself in life - before they weiterquasselt of others. - Is the next to him? You finish it with a short comment about the weather and the "hey, wish you all the best, was nice to meet you again!" To get rid of them. You really do not notice it, one side of it, maybe they're the other less.
But this "successful" (still have the "steady job" to 7 EUR hourly wage, wow ...) are exceptions, most ex-colleague fully completed. Part of trying to hide his problems and we do not succeed - others say the least qualified, that they are in treatment at the psychiatrist.
But nothing can bring to the world they seem to be admitting that this period of 6 months to three years worth, where they said, call center would better to be unemployed? - They know it otherwise, and give the right but it can not really judge. So, as you learned it in school - by teachers who had no idea about economy, but strict morality and have no opinion as an ideal-mediated, since that is the sure path to a career, somehow.
X was a nice colleague, the could tell very accurately when he had the impression that our team would be "exploited perfect." Gelernter office administrator, a naive geek although critical, it seemed.
we as then mutinied because of a new team leader, who we were served up as a pusher (accosts people around in the toilet or less through the booths, they may hasten to please the business - "! And ... ZACKK" like a cattle driver, in the business department ... or these comments, whether financial statements were clean or not to hang today but not as high, something had to be taken sports, etc.) -> it was there that harmless in itself colleague, in our Meeting times fall just short in an emergency was that he was ecstatic with the work well, the new motivation, and one could ignore, thanks to her about your inner fears ... (No, no irony)
We were all flat, to hear that. Such a different view was enough to break the unanimity of the council had to be bought anyway.
Well, you should assume that with the way he at least made a career? -> Of course, nil. - I met him a few weeks ago while shopping. He spoke to me as if nothing had happened. apparently felt the need to talk, although I told him: "You know, I must continue ...".
He was still in the call center, now on sick leave from the psychiatrist. It would be 'just always the same ...!! -
23 years old, and like everyone I know now, then when the medical officer. The people are behind forever on welfare or odd jobs - just over 20, never earned more than poverty wages, and then? - It could be the burgeoning discontent well understood. But how many of these call center agents are ready to help change their reality and perspectives on life, just to help people from whom they expect? - Would you like they wanted to express in their place the injustice, it would probably only again, you probably exaggerating a bit ...? - It does not matter.
any case, such an experience again - guilty take it but at the same time manage to be surprised by so inexplicable hostile;) behavior of ex-colleagues add you = hang possibly the bargain ...
such a way it often is. Here the other day someone posted a comment on the text that describes how hard it fired agents have afterwards, prejudice, etc.. -> Wanted to get rid of the name of his former company. As, if anyone still cares, whether through a call center negative remarks on the internet stood. "Just like that -> Call Center X". Wow, what an effort!
When I wrote to him that it is not so, I could not be sued, I would delete, but he would like to write for what actually was to leave because of me falling hints, just without a name -> he was "censored". -
In other words, this convinced himself for another try, the whole world is evil -> * you personally do not have to do *.
some point you think it will soon no longer have. As such, the T, which buckled still do not know that they will be with the remark that she could work yourself up after 3 years to the team manager, only anspitzt (who wants to be coach or team leader, is at 6 months, or shall be deemed to consumed).
to me full of bubbles Stories about our girls as ex-boss, while I repeatedly that wave, "Say, you know, who you tell that?" Or, "which is the reason why I could go ..." - But, it does not stop, lives in her world of call center and who is well-Fun with whom, and that J *** private this or that.
The round still sends emails that fired colleagues was denied admission to the company at the "safety lock" - they expect that anyone who wanted to sneak. Although it has fired dozens of poor souls themselves and they spread rumors, but in each case there was still something to do with drugs, fraud, police, sexual harassment at work, or communism, "said someone, they do not know but it feels confirmed for concern ... - All the while she was herself. Just paranoia.
T., the founder in the break room loudly called "brilliant exploiters" works, still there, as a quality manager - and has no problems with it, for a 'Manchester liberals "and" barons "to work a factory lock, the he really despised. That all colleagues of those days gone now, it is inconspicuous. In this direction, addressed, he says, one must just see the power of fact, switchend out of the blue between the peppery T. poet type to that which would have its first person, "fellow traveler" named.
In the city where you live, many temporary agencies speak disparagingly of that center, "What's that for a company that constantly trouble in front of the Industrial Court?" - But they do give unbetrübt more staff there.
The lady asked about the firm repeatedly excited truisms of telephony, as the Call Center presented it to her. As a wonderful world ("this is very serious, something with 'IT', and those are the customers who ever was to do with them, so 'warm' man calls it ..") so that they could stand behind it with conviction - for the verschriensten Chaos campaigns in the region.
* There was once this trained medical practitioner - the phone call heard pride for a large pharmaceutical company. The fact of working for the hated other side as they saw it was "but internally consistent" - after both had something to do with health ... * Lol *
The left-career ranks of the center are dominated by people you can test by the Red List your university ago (not a member itself, but a normal student (in), those vergiftelten beasts and fighting lesbians endure as an alleged representative having to). It fits for them: Sets the field level but eloquent witness to exploitation, as they say - so they sit at the source! : D
That it fully as a Quality Manager to hang in there, is not a problem because nebenzu in the union. Although rare dike that at those scales, but the whole thing is a lot of opportunities to prove himself to in point protection policy with phrases, against the evil 'barons', the angiftelt you. From which it depends, made by joining in the illegal practices in management. You play tough when it comes to abolishing sometimes slightly irregular dispositions, shadow boxes and gaming arguments for Hold Out on the serious issues. Comfortable "consistency" of their ideology. And yet the study was not in vain, because at least 1-2 levels is above the poverty wage. So that was just today. earn
You can be experienced figures, the "outrageous" against dumping prices for computers even poverty wage + only afford the cheapest can, in the center of such PCs their money, and calls for mail order companies: their profit margin its contractors Asia guarantees can be no room for fair working conditions ...
One of our blondes was often already in that call center. To 2008, she has asked for the third time, possibly again to get a job. It would give so little in this city. How do they do well with yourself? The site manager joked about people always relish, the 1 year again after they "knocked". That should not be so few as one might think.
Yep, call center would be a rich field of psychology, and are certainly not for nothing that the new project for society, for tougher times. Say this and that, babble into your phone, then no matter what happens here, you are not at fault. Because of today who can still say something for sure, no guarantees -> So, any, uh, "no idea but it all well so its ok somehow ...
it happens to you then to be terminated, you behave in such a way that you think you open the option To stay again - even if the thing actually long run, and you feel violated? But the labor market will force you but, apparently, and could go with patchwork identity or positive energy is not something else? Because others are but certainly not as innovative or flexibly adjusted dynamically as you! ;)
Millions of people just living out their lives, oblivious?
-> No, it is much more permeable than in movies such as Matrix, more casually. This can not be described as an individual, really, it would always look like a dime. In many ways. Because it is bricked until things are too extensive, or the cat biting its tail, as they say. - Today offer call center by phone already taking measures against their own guild, any products or services that will help each caller as spam itself -> Similarly, is it just confused then.